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xxxiii, 360 pages ; 25 cm
A collection of the influential columnist's most notable works and writings includes never-before-published speeches on his political philosophy and personal history and a major, new essay about the state of global democracy.
"Created and compiled by Charles Krauthammer before his death, [this book] is a powerful collection of the influential columnist's most important works. Spanning the personal, the political and the philosophical, it includes...
Shapiro knows there are totalitarians on the political Right. But statistically, they represent a fringe movement with little institutional clout. The authoritarian Left, meanwhile, is ascendant in nearly every area of American life. A small number of college-educated, coastal, and uncompromising leftists have not just taken over the Democratic Party but our corporations, our universities, our scientific establishment, our cultural institutions. And...
Remember America? There may come a time when no one will.
There will be no monuments to American heroes, no stories that will praise them. The United States will have become a dark chapter in human history, best forgotten.
In Erasing America: Destroying Our Future by Erasing Our Past (releasing August 21st), James Robbins reveals that the radical Left controls education, the media, and the Democratic party.... and they seek to demean, demolish,...
"On Liberty and Other Essays" brings together the most important works of philosopher and political economist John Stuart Mill. In "On Liberty" Mill eloquently ponders the question of where the line should be drawn between the freedom of individuals and the authority of the state. As he puts it, "The struggle between liberty and authority is the most conspicuous feature in the portions of history with which we are earliest familiar..." Second in this...
"Darin: Memorias de un Inmigrante (Edicin Extendida)" es un relato que narra la travesa de un inmigrante a travs de la implacable selva del Darin. A travs de una entrevista ntima, el lector es transportado a los desafos, peligros y esperanzas que enfrenta el protagonista en su bsqueda de una vida mejor. Las imgenes ilustrativas complementan esta experiencia, capturando la crudeza y la belleza de su viaje. Una obra que trasciende fronteras y nos invita...
First published anonymously in December 1689, John Locke's "Two Treatises of Government" are considered to be some of the most important works of political philosophy ever written. In the first treatise, Locke disputes the divine right of monarchial rule principle that is put forth in the book "Patriarcha" by Sir Robert Filmer. The first treatise is in fact a sentence by sentence refutation of "Patriarcha." Filmer asserts the idea that absolute authority...
Antoine-Henri Jomini was the most celebrated writer on the Napoleonic art of war. Jomini was present at most of the most important battles of the Napoleonic Wars. His writing, therefore, is the most authoritative on the subject. "The art of war, as generally considered, consists of five purely military branches,-viz.: Strategy, Grand Tactics, Logistics, Engineering, and Tactics. A sixth and essential branch, hitherto unrecognized, might be termed...
This work contains two of Cicero's most important political writings, "The Republic" and "The Laws". In "The Republic", or "On the Commonwealth", Cicero crafts a Socratic dialogue in six books on the subject of Roman politics. Cicero discusses the history of Roman politics and its constitution, the role of justice in government, the types of constitutions, the role of education, and the ideal citizen in a republic. In "The Laws" we find another Socratic...
Revised and updated for the 2016 election with 75% new material.
In an era when special interests funnel huge amounts of money into our government-driven by shifts in campaign-finance rules and brought to new levels by the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission-trust in our government has reached an all-time low. More than ever before, Americans believe that money buys results in Congress, and that business interests wield...
Pub. Date
Physical Desc
131 pages : 22 cm.
Today, many of the treasured institutions that made America such a great place to live are being destroyed. Riots fill the streets as cities burn. Churches sit empty. Families and marriage are no longer held in high esteem. Social trust has disappeared. Public education is in shambles. Law and order are no longer respected and nothing appears safe from disruption. Are social justice, critical race theory, and equality the key to understanding our...
First published in 1879, "Progress and Poverty" is the groundbreaking treatise on the relationship between industrialization and poverty by Henry George, the American social theorist and economist. A huge commercial success when it was published and one of the bestselling books in America in the late 19th century, George's work had a profound influence on economists, politicians, and social reformers all over the world. In "Progress and Poverty",...
"Glenn Beck, #1 bestselling author and radio host, reveals the cold truth behind the ideology of progressivism and how the tenets of this dangerous belief system are eroding the foundation of this country. WHY DO WE ACCEPT THE LIES? Politics is no longer about pointing to a shining city on the hill; it's about promising you a shiny new car for your driveway. The candidate who tells the people what they want to hear is usually the one who wins--facts...
Get the Summary of Steven E. Koonin's Unsettled in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. Original book introduction: Fascinating, clear-headed, and full of surprises, this book gives readers the tools to both understand the climate issue and be savvier consumers of science media in general. Koonin takes readers behind the headlines to the more nuanced science itself, showing us where it comes from and guiding us through...
"El Comercio de la Guerra" es un relato que sumerge al lector en las complejidades del mundo de los negocios vinculados al conflicto armado. Desde los oscuros corredores de poder hasta las operaciones clandestinas, este libro ofrece una perspectiva única sobre cómo el comercio de armas y recursos influye en la geopolítica global. A través de narrativas detalladas y análisis perspicaces, el autor destaca las interconexiones entre la economía,...
Get the Summary of David Enrich's Servants of the Damned in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. Original book introduction: Since 2016, Jones Day has been in the spotlight for representing Donald Trump and his campaigns (and now his PACs)-and for the fleet of Jones Day attorneys who joined his administration, including White House Counsel Don McGahn. Jones Day helped Trump fend off the Mueller investigation and challenged...
After the events of the 2020 presidential election, a Cuban teacher in Miami identifies signs of the type of society he left behind. Concerned about the conversion of the United States into a totalitarian country, he begins sending email alerts to known people. The mails have become analyses of the evolving situation and a chronicle of the occupation of each field by the radical left. Education becomes indoctrination, news becomes harmful propaganda,...
"La sociedad de los desheredados (El poema de la gente común)" es un poema social que aborda las injusticias y luchas de los marginados. A través de versos poderosos, el autor revela las realidades crudas y silenciadas de aquellos menos privilegiados. El poema invita a reflexionar sobre el mundo y cuestionar el statu quo. Con una mezcla de melancolía, rabia y esperanza, ofrece un testimonio poético de resistencia. Da voz a los excluidos y desafía...
20) Days of Trump
"Days of Trump" is first book to document the Trump presidency by the day
A lot happened in the 1,461 days of the presidency of Donald J. Trump. So much so that no one could possibly retain it all without extensive notes. Working off the whirlwind mantra of "flood the zone," Trump kept fans and critics alike mesmerized by his daily gyrations and machinations, aiming to "own the news cycle" like no previous president ever has.
Chronicling one...
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