Do I have Alzheimer's? Identifying memory disorders and the importance of early diagnosis
I have Alzheimer's: now what? Alzheimer's as a spectrum disease
and using a multipronged treatment approach
Whether I have Alzheimer's disease is nobody's business but my own. When and how to share the diagnosis
Do I need to quit my job? Continuing to work with dementia
and knowing when to retire
Who says I can't drive? Maintaining independence and dignity in Alzheimer's
Will I pass this on to my children? The genetics of Alzheimer's
Do I face special challenges as a woman? Gender and Alzheimer's
I just don't care about anything anymore. Treating depression and anxiety in dementia and what to do about apathy
I'd be crazy not to be paranoid! Understanding paranoia, apraxia, and other frustrating behaviors, and how to effectively communicate when logic doesn't work
I'm on the road less traveled. Why not to worry about wandering
I can't take it anymore! Advice to caregivers
self-care, stress reduction, and when to seek additional help
I think my husband is cheating on me with my aide. Navigating sexuality: suspicion, affairs, and special arrangements
Should I go to the hospital if I'm sick? Treating medical illness alongside dementia
Whether you like it or not, here's what I want. Maintaining individuality in the face of Alzheimer's
I would rather die at home. Living and dying with dignity
Gee, that must be depressing! My life as a physician specializing in Alzheimer's
trials, rewards, and lessons learned.