From the Book - First [edition].
Becoming a deeper person as you age
Melancholy: an unexpected way to happiness
Processing life experiences
The maturing of sexuality
Imagine aging differently
Open your heart to the future
Being fulfilled as an elder
Legacy: the future of your life experience
The spirituality of aging
Transforming loss and loneliness
Let things take their course.
From the Large Print - Large Print edition.
Part one: Rites of passage. The first taste of aging ; Old bodies, young souls ; The passages of life
Part two: Becoming a deeper person as you age. Melancholy: a way to happiness ; Processing life experiences ; The maturing of sexuality
Part three: Imagine aging differently. Illness as an initiation ; Kindly curmudgeons ; Play, work, retire
Part four: Open your heart to the future. Being fulfilled as an elder ; Legacy: the future of your life experiment ; Transforming loneliness
Part five: The spirituality of aging. Friendship and community ; The angel of old age ; Living with dying
Conclusion: Let things take their course.