Kate McMullan
1) I'm dirty!
Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 1.4 - AR Pts: 1
A busy backhoe loader describes all the items it hauls off a lot and all the fun it has getting dirty while doing so.
2) I'm Brave!
Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 2.2 - AR Pts: 1
For fans of Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site and Steam Train, Dream Train comes the perfect noisy addition to this hilarious read-aloud series from the popular creators of I Stink!, and I'm Dirty!-now a streaming animated series! I'm Brave! is the most irresistible addition yet to Kate and Jim McMullan's hilarious read-aloud series: a fire truck. He's a big red engine. With a siren, A horn, A tank full of water And a whole lotta hose! He's...
3) I Stink!
Now a streaming animated series! For fans of Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site and Steam Train, Dream Train comes a noisy addition to the hilarious read-aloud series from Kate and Jim McMullan, the popular creators of I'm Bad! and I'm Dirty! "Know what I do at night while you're asleep? Eat your trash, that's what!" With ten wide tires, one really big appetite, and an even bigger smell, this truck's got it all. His job? Eating your garbage and...
Myth-o-mania volume 10
Accelerated Reader
IL: MG - BL: 4.8 - AR Pts: 5
The Trojan War is over, but now Odysseus has to find his way home to Ithaca ... and in typical fashion, he's angered Poseidon enough that the sea-god has decided to make his journey miserable (if not impossible). But Hades has a soft spot for the long-gone warrior, so even if he's sworn to Poseidon he won't help Odysseus directly, he might be able to pull a few strings ...
Myth-o-mania volume 9
When Paris and Helen decide to hit the road together, it means more trouble than they can imagine for both themselves and the people of Troy. But who says Helen is entirely at fault? Sure she had a face that launched a thousand ships but she also had a little interference from the meddling god of love and his mother, Aphrodite. Think you know the truth behind the Greek myths? Think again. Hades is here to set you straight once more on the true story...
La méchante Gorgone qui transformait en pierre tous ceux qui osaient la regarder? Qui a été décapitée par Persée ? Oui, cette Méduse-là. Et bien vous vous trompez. Tout d'abord, Méduse n'avait pas des serpents à la place des cheveux à sa naissance. C'est grâce à Athéna.
Et aux dernières nouvelles, Méduse est bel et bien vivante.
In Book Two of Meg's Prairie Diary, Meg Wells is joined by the rest of her family on the Kansas prairie, where they fight alongside the Abolitionists to keep Kansas a free state.
In Kate McMullan's second book of Meg's Prairie Diary, Meg's family is reunited on the prairie. Their new life is soon jeopardized by not only the struggle against slavery and those who would have Kansas be a slave state, but also a devastating fire that threatens to destroy...
In Kate McMullan's first My America book, the drama and adventure of the American prairie come to life when Meg must leave her family and move to Kansas to avoid the St. Louis cholera epidemic.
Margaret Cora Wells is a resilient young girl living in St. Louis where cholera has become an epidemic. When her mother and sister get sick, Meg wants only to tend to them. But, in an effort to protect his children, her father sends Meg and her brother, Preston,...
In her third and final diary, by Kate McMullan, Meg continues to face the hardships of life on the prairie with her brave and sweet spirit.Meg continues to describe the daily realities on the prairie as she and her family make their lives in Kansas. Throughout these times of difficulty and joy, Meg is always courageous and thoughtful. Kate McMullan is the bestselling author of the I'M BAD, I'M DIRTY, I'M MIGHTY, and I STINK picture books illustrated...
Mais si jamais vous pensez que j'aurais fait ça, surtout à ma magnifique reine, c'est que vous avez cru aux mensonges de Zeus! Il a inventé cette histoire pour nuire à ma réputation. La vérité est que Perséphone tentait simplement d'échapper à sa mère surprotectrice. Elle s'est faufilée dans les Enfers toute seule. Mais ce n'est que le début de l'histoire.
Détrompez-vous! Zeus déforme toujours la vérité afin de mieux paraître. L'histoire que vous connaissez racontait probablement que Zeus a conquis les Titans sans l'aide de personne afin de devenir maître de l'Univers. Mais ce n'est pas exactement ce qui s'est passé. Zeus n'a pas mentionné de partie de poker dans sa version, n'est-ce pas?
Myth-o-mania volume 3
In Greek mythology, Medusa was a Gorgon - a winged monster with snakes for hair. Anyone who looked at her was instantly turned to stone. But she wasn't born that way. Not even close. Athena was so jealous of Medusa's beauty that she cursed her. Zeus changed the story to make his son, Perseus, look good. Hades is here to set the record straight on Perseus, Medusa, and everything in between.
Myth-o-mania volume 6
The story about Pandora opening a box and releasing terrible evils into the world? Totally made up! Pandora couldn't have cared less about what was in that box. The one who was really dying to know was Zeus. Zeus gave Pandora a box alright. A box full of really nasty items. But disease? Pain? Greed? No way. Hades, King of the Underworld, reveals the true story behind the Pandora myth.
Myth-o-mania volume 8
The story about Atalanta losing a race because she stopped to collect the golden apples Melanion threw in her path is completely wrong. The myth most people know is a lie created by that myth-o-maniac Zeus. In reality, Atalanta could have won that race no matter what! Hades is back to reveal the truth behind another Greek myth.
Myth-o-mania volume 5
Zeus's version of the Theseus myth is totally fabricated! Theseus went into the labyrinth all right, but the only thing he did in there was get lost. He never killed the Minotaur. Zeus made the whole thing up so everyone would think the Minotaur was gone for good. Hades, King of the Underworld, sets the record straight on the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.
Myth-o-mania volume 4
The story about the handsome Greek god Cupid and how he met Psyche? Just another lie from that myth-o-maniac Zeus! The truth is, when Cupid met Psyche he was a gawky teen god with bad skin and braces. Psyche was so beautiful, Cupid was scared to even approach her. Instead, he and Zeus cooked up a plan to kidnap Psyche. Hades, King of the Underworld, is here to shine some light on what really happened.
Myth-o-mania volume 2
The story about how Hades kidnapped Persephone when she was picking flowers? Totally false! Zeus made that story up to make himself look better. What else would you expect from a total myth-o-maniac? The truth is, Persephone was trying to escape her overprotective mother, Demeter. King Hades, Ruler of the Underworld, is here to set the record straight.
Myth-o-mania volume 1
Think you know the real story behind the Greek myths? Think again. Most people only know what Zeus wants them to. But the truth is, Zeus is a total myth-o-maniac. Hades, King of the Underworld, is here to set the record straight on how he ended up as Ruler of the Underworld and Zeus became King of the Gods.
Myth-o-mania volume 7
You've heard of Hercules, right? Big, strong guy who did tons of amazing, heroic deeds? Well one part of that myth is correct. Hercules was big and strong. But he had an teeny-tiny brain. He couldn't have done any of those heroic deeds if it hadn't been for his friends telling him exactly what to do. Hades sets the record straight on the true story of Hercules.